At present, Supademo presents all available hotspots to the user, who must then manually select the desired option to explore. While functional, this lacks the ability to display paths based on custom variables.
Here's the use case: In our product, we have three plans (Pro, Scale, Enterprise), and the options we want to display depend on the plan the user is on. Instead of showing all options and relying on the user to pick, we’d like Supademo to automatically filter and show the appropriate options based on the user’s plan (which we can pass as custom variables)
This can apply not only to hotspots but also for show cases where you can display section names based on custom variables.
This could be implemented by using hotspots that are displayed based on the existence of a custom variable. If the custom variable matches a specific condition (e.g., plan type), the relevant options are displayed while hiding the others. This approach keeps the solution simple yet powerful.