Supademo Chapters
Overlays and CTAs are now called Supademo Chapters. Along with the new name, Chapters can be used to capture leads, password-protect demos, or add conditional branching.
Conditional Branching
Branching allows your viewers to choose their own demo journey within your Supademo - ensuring a better interactive and engaging experience.
This includes:
  • The ability to add multiple CTAs/buttons to Supademo Chapters - each with their own unique target URL or demo step;
  • The ability to set a unique target demo step for hotspot(s)
Email Lead Capture
You can now capture email leads throughout your Supademo by adding a mandatory or optional email form to a Supademo Chapter.
Password Protect
Password Protect allows you to gate your Supademo to specific audiences by adding by locking it with a password.